“Looking after your employees is something we place a huge emphasis on. If you look after them they will look after the rest, but they need to be 100 percent, both mentally and physically, in order to be at their best. Through the exceptional work from the specialists at Validus Sports Injury Clinic that is now a reality! They truly are one of the best in the industry, and their innovative, strategic and friendly approach to health and wellbeing is paving the way for corporate health for the future”
Corporate Health
Corporate Health Services
Here at Validus Sports Injury Clinic, a lot of our time is also spent working with people behind the scenes and off the field of play so to speak. Corporate health is a huge part of what we do and we have helped many firms along the way in a bid to pave the way for others.
Our corporate health care policies are a way to provide exceptional health and wellbeing services to you and your staff. This service will provide staff with in house desk assessments, postural analysis, and allow access to all of our health and wellness services along with regular free on-site health and well-being events.
Upon sign up one of our team members will go to your locations and host a launch event to discuss all of the services offered, offer free advice and give staff members the opportunity to sign up for a free consultation with one of our specialists.
Corporate Health
Desk assessments and wellbeing in the workplace.
Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs) in the UK remain an ill health related condition that places significant burdens on employers and employees accounting for 41% of all work related ill-health. An estimated 34% of all working days lost in 2019 were down to WRMSD.
Working long hours in front of display screen equipment (DSE) can have an impact on the human body. Neck and back pain decreased productivity and high levels of stress are just a few of the issues facing a vast majority of the population on a daily basis.
Our specialists, with years of clinical expertise, can assess and implement the appropriate changes required to not only reduce these statistics but also ensure staff are not at risk of developing more serious musculoskeletal disorders as a direct result.
Corporate Health
Why not try one of our workshops and help educate your staff on the importance of posture in the workplace and the long-lasting effect it can have on spinal health. Posture related dysfunction is one of the most common causes of neck and lower back pain.
One of our experts will visit your workplace and educate your staff through, presentations, open discussions, demonstrations and take away tips on how to avoid “office posture”.